• Home Delivery
  • Traders

SMM Direct Update

Published 24 March 2022
Our online shopping and home delivery service will be finishing up on 20 April.

South Melbourne Market Direct was launched in September 2020 in response to COVID-19, and allowed customers to continue shopping with our traders when people couldn't make it to the Market and when some of our traders were forced to close.

With life beginning to return to normal and visitation to the Market increasing, we have made the decision to stop the operation of our online shopping and home delivery service. While it is unfortunate we can no longer offer this service to our customers, it is so positive to be welcoming more and more people back to the Market.

We would like to thank our customers for all their support, and hope that everyone will be back at the Market shopping in person soon. For those that can't make it to the Market, we have compiled a list of ways to continue shopping with our traders as many offer alternative delivery services.

Our final date for delivery will be Wednesday 20 April will orders closing at 10am on this day.

South Melbourne Market Direct will also be delivering over Easter, on Wednesday 13, Thursday 14 and Saturday 16 April. 

Home delivery is available from the following SMM Direct traders:


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